New maps were added!

Hi there!
The sample game received an update! I added two more playable maps for you to explore and a new item reward for collecting crystals: The Swim Module. You can also watch the creation process of these maps on YouTube: Smelly Sewers | Blue Forest

Smelly Sewers
They show you some more Futuristic Dungeons graphics in use. There seem to be some robots working down there, too.

Blue Forest
This atmospheric forest shows you some of my newest graphics, the Futuristic Outlands, in action.

- New map:  "Smelly Sewers" were added
- New map: "Blue Forest" was added
- New item: "Swim Module" was added. You can now swim at designated spots if you collect enough crystals
- The intro scene was shortened, so you can start exploring the game more quickly
- The TV program on the map "Modern Interior" was expanded thanks to my fellow indiegame devs ChimaereJade and Lyon


Sample Game by Play in browser
May 28, 2023


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I have to say that I love this big tree of the blue forest! He looks very old/strong and the colors give him a mysterious vibe! 

Also, I want to thank you for the oppurtunity to be a part ot this growing demonstration of your assets! :)